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کلمات کلیدی: image processing

موارد یافت شده: 65

1 - FARFUM-RoP, A dataset for computer-aided detection of Retinopathy of Prematurity (چکیده)
2 - Simulation of bread baking with a conceptual agent-based model: An approach to study the effect of proofing time on baking behavior (چکیده)
3 - Effects of coating formulation on structural changes of turkey nugget during frying: MRI evaluation (چکیده)
4 - A methodological exploration to study 2D arm kinematics in Ophiuroidea (Echinodermata) (چکیده)
5 - The Computational Study of Fluid Diffusion through Complex Porous Media in the Presence of Gravitational Force and at Different Temperatures Using Image Processing Technique and D3Q27 Model of Lattice Boltzmann Method (چکیده)
6 - A Novel Deformable Registration Method for Cerebral Magnetic Resonance Images (چکیده)
7 - Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Segmentation Using Attention-Based CNNs in FLAIR Images (چکیده)
8 - On the performance of an innovative electronic chipset thermal management module based on energy storage unit concept utilizing nano-additive phase change material (NPCM) (چکیده)
9 - Using existing site surveillance cameras to automatically measure the installation speed in prefabricated timber construction (چکیده)
10 - Experimental Study of Steam Injection into a Water Stream for Milk Sterilization (چکیده)
11 - Nondestructive classification of saffron using color and textural analysis (چکیده)
12 - Nininvasive vein finder with ability of concomitant wireless connection to multiple cell phones (چکیده)
13 - Application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Image Processing for Prediction of the Geometrical Properties of Roasted Pistachio Nuts and Kernels (چکیده)
14 - Froth Flotation Classification of Antimony Based on Histogram of Bubbles Perimeters (چکیده)
15 - Estimating engineering properties of igneous rocks using semi-automatic petrographic analysis (چکیده)
16 - Estimation of the camera spectral sensitivity function using neural learning and architecture (چکیده)
17 - Development of a machine vision dual-axis solar tracking system (چکیده)
18 - Distribution of different sized ocular surface vessels in diabetics and normal individuals (چکیده)
19 - Quantitative assessment of wound healing using high‐frequency ultrasound image analysis (چکیده)
20 - A Novel Patch-Based Digital Signature (چکیده)
21 - Study of shearlet transform using block matrix dilation (چکیده)
22 - Identification and Classification of Three Iranian Rice Varieties in Mixed Bulks Using Image Processing and MLP Neural Network (چکیده)
23 - Slug and bubble flows in a flat sheet ultrafiltration module: Experiments and numerical simulation (چکیده)
24 - Condensation process and phase-change in the presence of obstacles inside a minichannel (چکیده)
25 - Smartphone as the Sensing Device for Colorimetric Quantification of Azide Based on of Modified Gold Nanoparticles Aggregation (چکیده)
26 - Identification of Houseplants Using Neuro-vision Based Multi-stage Classification System (چکیده)
27 - Monitoring native plants in large scale regions using VIS-NIR, hyperspectral and thermal imaging (چکیده)
28 - Fatigue damage evaluation by image processing from surface feature for aluminum 2024-T351 alloy (چکیده)
29 - Performance of Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum in deep-fried battered chicken nugget: effect of gum concentration and batter temperature (چکیده)
30 - Development of intersection circle method for detecting and estimating the number of near-spherical clustered citrus fruits in robotic harvesting (چکیده)
31 - Pelt Pattern Classification of New Born Lambs Using Image Processing and Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
32 - Fouling Reduction in Ultrafiltration using Gas Flow Injection (چکیده)
33 - Automated mineral identification algorithm using optical properties of crystals (چکیده)
34 - Vehicle Model Recognition Using Image Processing and Wavelet Analysis (چکیده)
35 - A new technique to evaluate the effect of chitosan on properties of deep-fried Kurdish cheese nuggets by TOPSIS (چکیده)
36 - Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Fluid-Structure Interaction in Presence of a Hyperelastic Body (چکیده)
37 - On Analytical Study of Self-Affine Maps (چکیده)
38 - Developing an Integrated Model to Improve the Performance of Kansei Engineering by PCA and TOPSIS (چکیده)
39 - Predicting the contents of volatile and non-volatile amines in rainbow trout fillet during storage time via image processing technique (چکیده)
40 - Kinetics of Color and Physical Attributes of Cookie during Deep-Fat Frying by Image Processing Techniques (چکیده)
41 - Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Motion of a Hyperelastic Body in a Fluid (چکیده)
42 - A New Adaptive Watermarking Attack in Wavelet Domain (چکیده)
43 - Considering the effect of using JPEG images on accuracy results of radiology images and application programs (چکیده)
44 - Wheat Class Identification Using LBP, LSP and LSN Textural Features and Monochrome Images (چکیده)
45 - Retinal Vessel Tortuosity Evaluation via Circular Hough Transform (چکیده)
46 - Radon Transform Technique for Linear Structures Detection: Application to Vessel Detection in Fluorescein Angiography Fundus Images (چکیده)
47 - Automated Optic Nerve Head Detection in Fluorescein Angiography Fundus Images (چکیده)
48 - A Novel Method for Pupil Diameter Measurement based on Fuzzy Techniques (چکیده)
49 - Mental Stress Detection Based on Soft Computing Techniques (چکیده)
50 - A Novel Patch-Based Digital Signature (چکیده)
51 - Quantitative assessment of pressure sore generation and healing through numerical analysis of high-frequency ultrasound images (چکیده)
52 - Automatic evaluation of pressure sore status by combining information obtained from high-frequency ultrasound and digital photography (چکیده)
53 - Developed Random Tessellation for Modeling of Microstructure (چکیده)
54 - Effect of Trisodium Citrate Concentration and Soy Cheese on Meltability of Pizza Cheese (چکیده)
55 - Electrowetting Actuation for a Sessile Liquid Drop: Experiments and Simulations (چکیده)
56 - Antimicrobial activity of Zataria multiflora Boiss. essential oil incorporated with whey protein based films on pathogenic and probiotic bacteria (چکیده)
57 - An Automatic Foreign Materials Detection of Barberries Using Red (چکیده)
58 - Selection of best band combination for soil salinity studies using ETM+ satellite images (A Case study: Nyshaboor region,Iran) (چکیده)
59 - Monitoring geometric characteristics of rice during processing by image analysis system and micrometer measurement (چکیده)
60 - Volume Measurement of Human Hand by Using Digital Image Sequences (چکیده)
61 - An application of image analysis to dehydration of osmosed pumpkin by hot air drying (چکیده)
62 - سیستم خودکار تشخیص عیوب جوش به کمک تبدیلات CAD و روشهای پردازش تصویر (چکیده)
63 - Introducing Easy to Use and Accurate Image Processing Object Detection Algorithms Suitable for Sprayer Calibration and Other Similar Purposes (چکیده)
64 - Introducing Easy to Use and Accurate Image Processing Object Detection Algorithms Suitable for Sprayer Calibration and Other Similar Purposes (چکیده)
65 - Estimating Wheat Planted area in North East of IRAN by MODIS sensor (چکیده)